Cleaning Your Freezer
e Priorto installation of your new appliance, it isrecommended that it be cleaned thoroughly.
• Turnthe temperature control to "OFF",unplugthe freezer, removethe food and storage
• Wash the insidewith a damp warm cloth containing a water and baking soda solution.
The solutionshould be about 2 tablespoons of baking soda to a quart of waten
• Wash the storage basketwith a mild detergent solution.
• Besureto keepthe door gasket (seal) clean to keep the unitrunningefficiently with warm
• Theoutside of the freezer should be cleaned with mild detergent andwarm waten
• Dry the interior and exterior with a soft cloth.
• Thecondenser coils shouldbe vacuumed when they are dusty or dirt4
• Itis recommended that the unitbe cleaned each time itisdefrosted to help keep theunit
odor free and runningefficientl4
Vacation Time
Removeall the food.
Unplugthe freezen
Clean the freezen
Leavethe door open slightlyto avoid possible formation of condensation, mold, or odors.
Useextreme caution inthe case of children. The unitshould notbe accessible to children's
Shortvacations: Leavethe freezer operating during vacations of lessthanthree weeks.
Longvacations: Ifthe appliance will not be used for several months,remove all food and
unplug the power cord. Clean and dry the interior thoroughly. To prevent odor and mold
growth, leave the door open slightly: blocking it open if necessary or have the door removed.
Moving Your Freezer
® Removeallthe food.
• Securelytape down all loose itemsinsideyour freezer.
• Removethe rollers to prevent damage.
• Tapethe doors shut.