Model and Serial Number section
Read this guide carefully.
Itisintended to helpyou operate and maintainyour new freezer properly
Keep it handy to answer your questions
Ifyou don't understand something or you need more assistance,please call:
Write down the model and serial numbers.
You will find the serialnumber intwo places: one ison the serial plate which is
located onthe back side of freezer, close to the top; theother one is
located onthe top rightcorner of packaging box right side
Rating Lable
Serial Number
Eight side of packing Box
Please write these numbers here:
Model Number: 225.
Serial Number:
Usethesenumbersin any correspondence or service calls concerning your
Ifyou received a damaged freezer, immediately contact Sears
Save time and money Before you call for service,check the Troubleshooting
Guide It listscauses of minor operating problems that you can correct