When installed, operated and maintained according to all instructionssupplied with the
product, if thisappliance fails dueto a defect in material and workmanshipwithin one year from
the date of purchase,call 1-800-4-MY-HOMEĀ® to arrange for free repain
Ifthisappliance isever used for other than private family purposes,thiswarranty applies for
only 90 days from the date of purchase_
This warranty covers only defects in material and workmanship. Sears will NOT pay
1_ Expendable itemsthat can wear out from normal use,including but not limited to filters,
belts, light bulbs, and bags.
2_ A service technician to instructthe userin correct product installation, operation or
& A service technician to clean or maintainthis product
4_ Damageto or failure of this product if it is not installed, operated or maintained according
to the all instructionssupplied with the product
5. Damage to or failure of this product resultingfrom accident, abuse,misuseor usefor other
thanits intended purpose_
& Damage to or failure of this product caused by the useof detergents, cleaners, chemicals
or utensilsother than those recommended inall instructionssupplied with theproduct
Z Damage lo o_failure of paris o_syslems_esullinghorn unaulho_izedmodifications made
to thisproduct
Disclaimer of implied warranties; limitation of remedies
Customer's sole and exclusive remedy underthis limitedwarranty shall be product repair as
provided herein.Implied warranties, including warranties of merchantability or fitnessfor a
particular purpose, are limited to one year or the shortestperiod allowed by law. Searsshall
not be liable for incidental or consequential damages. Somestates and provinces do not allow
the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, or limitation on the duration
of implied warranties of merchantability or fitness,sotheseexclusionsor limitations may not
apply to you.
Thiswarranty applies only while thisappliance isused in the United States or Canada.
Thiswarranty givesyou specific legal rights,and you mayalso have other rightswhich vary
from state to state.
Sears, Roebuck and Co., Hoffman Estates, IL 60179
Sears Canada Inc., Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5B 2B8