Using Additional Calibration Features
3-36 March 2001
Creating a Density File for Use with Calibration
During calibration, you have the option of obtaining density data from a file or by
scanning a processed test target through an X-RITE DTP 36 densitometer. The
option is determined by the entry in the device configuration file. If the
configuration file is set up to receive density data from a file and you are creating
the file:
1. Scan the print into your densitometer.
2. Save the data to file using the density data file format specification (see “File
Formats” below). The Kodak Device Calibration Software does not perform
this function.
3. Move the density data file that you just saved to the “Dens” folder within the
device folder for your specific device. The filename should match the Density
Source File selected on the Density Source tab of the Edit Configuration
window (see “Editing Information on the Density Source Tab” on page 3-28).
File Formats
NOTE: If a file contains data in a tabular format, each entry may be separated by
multiple spaces and tabs; however, when the file is saved by the application,
each group of multiple spaces and tabs is automatically converted to a
single tab.
DensityDataRaw (TECHNET Format)
R2340 G1000 B2010
R2350 G1010 B2020
R2360 G1020 B2030
R2370 G1030 B2040