
Installing and Using the Centralized Densitometer Application
4-12 March 2001
Measuring Densities During a Calibration Cycle
IMPORTANT: To use the centralized densitometer application for measuring
densities for a calibration cycle, the density source of centralized
densitometer must have been selected in the edit configuration
dialog for the device being calibrated; see Editing Information on
the Density Source Tab on page 3-28.
1. Open the Centralized Densitometer Application. The display shows the
window for the Centralized Densitometer Application.
2. Highlight the printer.
3. Click the Measure icon (or select Operations->Measure) to measure the
target images.
4. At the densitometer, measure the densities (see Using the Densitometer to
Read Densities on page 1-7).
When the densities are measured, the status bar on the Centralized
Densitometer Application window displays Ready.
The density measurements are automatically sent to the LED printers host