Taking pictures and videos
Deleting pictures and videos during review
(_ PressReview,
(_) 4/11,,,'for previous/next,
(_ PressDelete,
_ Followthescreenprompts,
Usingthe undo delete feature
Ifyou accidentallydeleteapicture,youcan useUndoDeleteto retrieveit. Thisfeature
is onlyavailableimmediatelyafteryou deletea picture.
NOTE:YoucannotuseUndoDeleteif yourpictureislargerthan20MB.
Protecting pictures and videos from deletion
(_ Press Review.
(_/_ for previous/next,
(_ Press Menu.
_) Press ,_/_ to highlight Protect, then press OK,
Thepictureorvideoisprotectedandcannotbedeleted.TheProtecticon il appearswith
Pressthe Menu buttonto exit the menu.
10 (_ www.kodak.com/go/support