Doing more with your camera
Removing all favorites from your camera
1 Turnthe Modedial to Favorites_1.
2 Pressthe Menubutton.
3 HighlightRemoveFavoritesI_1,then pressthe OKbutton.
Atlpicturesstoredin theFavoritessectionofinternalmemoryareremoved.Favoritesare
restoredthenexttimeyou transferpicturesto thecomputer
4 Pressthe Menubuttonto exit the menu.
Preventingfavorites from transferring to the camera
1 OpenKodakEasySharesoftware.Clickthe My Collectiontab.
2 Goto theAlbumsview.
3 Clickthe CameraFavoritesAlbum for yourcamera.
4 ClickRemoveAlbum.
Thenexttimeyoutransferpicturesfromyour camerato thecomputer,usetheCamera
FavoritesWizard/Assistantto eitherrecreateyourCameraFavoritesAlbumorto turnoff
Printing and emailing favorites
1 Turnthe Modedial to Favorites_1. Press</1_,,,.to locatea picture.
2 Pressthe Sharebutton.
3 HighlightPrint _, or Email_, then pressthe OKbutton.
to4x6in.(lOx 15cm).
34 (_ www.kodak.com/go/support