
A-61133 March 2003 2-37
Despeckle — reduces the amount of stray spots (specks, etc.) on an
image. This option is for bi-tonal images only.
NOTE: The Contrast, Brightness and Despeckle options can be roughly
adjusted by using the slider bar. You can more precisely adjust
these options by entering a value in the entry field or use the up
and down arrows to obtain the desired value .
Scan Output select the type of output required. (Bitonal produces
the smallest file size; 256-gray produces the largest file size).
Bi-tonal: each image will be processed as a single-page TIFF file
using CCITT Group 3 or 4 compression (for black and white
16 gray: each image will be processed as a single-page TIFF file
using JBIG compression (for 16-level gray scale images).
256 gray: each image will be processed as a single-page TIFF file
using JPEG compression (for 256-level gray scale images) or as a
JPEG file with JPEG compression. For 256 gray, it is recommended
you use JPEG/JPEG compression.
Sharpening used to accentuate the fine details of an image.
Normal: used to enhance the detail of an image, which contains
small print.
Low: used to enhance images containing dot matrix text and/or
images printed with shaded or colored backgrounds using halftone
screens. This option reduces background noise.
Photo: if the image is comprised mainly of photographs.
Photo & Text: if the image is a mix of text, line art, and
photographs (i.e., check camera-sorter films).
Text: if the image is mostly text.
Rotate choose one of the following options to specify images will be
rotated when displayed:
None: to process the image in the original orientation.
90° Clockwise: to process the image rotated 90° to the right.
180° Clockwise: to process the image rotated 180° to the right.
270° Clockwise: to process the image rotated 270° to the right.