
A-61133 March 2003 3-9
Saving an image You can save a previously saved image to another file or save a new
image using a non-default film name and/or path by using the Save As
option. To do this:
1. Select File>Save As…. The Save As dialog box will be displayed:
2. Enter a new file name.
3. Select the directory where you want the file to reside.
4. Select the file type and compression from the Save as type drop-
down list.
If the image was scanned as bi-tonal, the default is TIFF file type
and Compression G3 (bi-tonal) (*.tif).
If the image was scanned as 16 Gray, the default is TIFF file type
and Compression JBIG (16 Gray) (*.tif).
If the image was scanned as 256 Gray, the default is TIFF file
type and Compression JPEG (256 Gray) (*.jpg).
5. Click Save.