Operator’s Guide
Printing File Print
• The RP 30 Laser Printer only accepts jpg, bmp and uncompressed tif file formats.
Save any files created with Adobe Photoshop to one of these formats.
• Digital cameras have Gamma values between 1.8 and 2.2. The RP 30 Laser
Printer prints with a Gamma of 1.8.
• The maximum single file size is 110 MB (tif, bmp, jpg unpacked). Larger files will
not print.
• Adjust the print size to the aspect ratio of the image (indicated by .... x .... pixels).
For extreme deviations, which the program can no longer process, the system
displays the error message File print parameter range violated.
• Types of image/paper adjustment:
− Fit image to paper
− Fill print size
• The quality of the prints depends on the relationship between resolution and print
size. The minimum acceptable resolution is approximately 100 pixels per cm (200
pixels per inch).
IMPORTANT: For images created with Adobe Photoshop:
• Save files in tif, bmp, or jpg formats.
• Use a Gamma value of 1.8.
• Convert CMYK (additive colors) to RGB (subtractive).
6-12 KODAK PROFESSIONAL RP 30 Laser Printer