Operator’s Guide
Reset with the ON Button or Stop Button on the Screen
There are two methods for resetting the system:
• Pressing the ON button on the main computer, or
• Touching the Stop button on the screen
The advantage of using the Stop button is that the laser does not need to be started.
Touch the Stop button to initiate a software reset if the system stops responding to
operator actions:
1. Transport the paper out and the cancel the current order.
2. Touch the Stop button.
The reset pop-up window opens, with Yes and No buttons displayed.
3. Wait until the paper transport in the printer is empty and all prints are in the paper
processor. Otherwise, there will be a risk of a paper jam.
4. Touch Yes to initiate the reset.
The system initializes the main assemblies and deletes information concerning
previous orders (for example, reorder lists).
Press the ON button to reset the system when:
• The whole system must be initialized (for example, when touching the Stop button
has no effect)
• The selected actions are not executed (lock-up)
• An undefined operating status has occurred
1 ON button
2 Timer lamp
The database is saved automatically prior to a reset. After the reset, the system
starts up again and loads the last consistent backup. The customer does not lose
data. The system is in the same status as it was before the ON button was pressed.
7-4 KODAK PROFESSIONAL RP 30 Laser Printer