To print a reproduction, select an order configuration of the reproduction type. In the
list of order configurations this type is marked as R.
Reproduction For images created with programs like Photoshop or shots
artificially falsified. The image files of an order are printed without
the automatic image improvement and without image size
adaptation so that the prints correspond precisely to the original.
If there is a difference between image and print size, the result
will be a border or loss of image information.
Print without
The configuration cannot be changed. The image is printed in the
middle of a large size (400 dpi), for applications such as CD
Using Autosave to Save Processed Images without Printing
To save image files without printing, use the order configuration including autosave
configurations. All image files of a file print order are stored on the defined local or
external drive or sent to the server PC for further processing.
1. Select the order configuration with the required autosave configuration (= storage
2. Set the number of prints to zero.
Black-and-White or Sepia Prints
Automatic conversion of color information in the original to black-and-white or sepia is
not possible. You must convert the image file externally using a PC and a program
such as Photoshop.
KODAK PROFESSIONAL RP 30 Laser Printer 6-15