The following symbols are used in this manual to prevent accidents which may occur as a result of incorrect use of
the instrument.
Denotes a sentence regarding a safety warning or note.
Read the sentence carefully to ensure safe and correct use.
Denotes a prohibited operation.
The operation must never been performed.
Denotes an instruction.
The instruction must be strictly adhered to.
Denotes an instruction.
Disconnect the AC adapter from the AC outlet.
Denotes a prohibited operation.
Never disassemble the instrument.
Safety Symbols
Notes on This Manual
● CopyingorreproductionofalloranypartofthecontentsofthismanualwithoutKONICAMINOLTAOPTICS's
permission is strictly prohibited.
● Thecontentsofthismanualaresubjecttochangewithoutpriornotice.
● Everyefforthasbeenmadeinthepreparationofthismanualtoensuretheaccuracyofitscontents.However,
service facility.
● KONICAMINOLTAOPTICSwillnotacceptanyresponsibilityforconsequencesarisingfromtheuseofthe