About the effect algorithms
The effect algorithms can be broadly divided into mono and
stereo types.
For an insert effect, you can select a program that uses either
type of algorithm.
For a master effect and final effect, you cannot select pro-
grams that use a mono algorithm.
Parameters marked by an “*” in front of the screen parameter
name can be controlled by an external device such as an ex-
pression pedal.
Category: Reverb&Delay
Reverb/delay-type effects
These effects simulate acoustic ambience such as the rever-
beration of a hall.
This hall-type reverb simulates the reverberation of mid-size
concert halls or ensemble halls.
This hall-type reverb simulates the reverberation of larger
halls and stadiums, and creates a smooth release.
This plate reverb simulates warm (dense) reverberation.
This plate reverb simulates dry (light) reverberation.
: Pre Delay [msec], : Pre Delay Thru [%]
The “Pre Delay” sets the delay time to the reverb input, allow-
ing you to control spaciousness.
Using the “Pre Delay Thru” parameter, you can mix the dry
sound without delay, emphasizing the attack of the sound.
This room-type reverb emphasizes the early reflections that
make the sound tighter. Changing the balance between the
early reflections and reverb sound allows you to simulate nu-
ances, such as the type of walls of a room.
This room-type reverb emphasizes the early reflections that
make the sound brighter
Algorithm number: Algorithm name
Parameter name shown on screen Range of parameter
(parameter name) Explanation
8: St.Modulation Delay
R TimeR (Delay Time) 0...2.500sec
Sets the delay time for the right channel
*LFO Speed 0.02...20.00Hz
Sets the LFO speed
Category No. Name Size
Reverb&Delay 1 Reverb Hall 2
2 Smooth Hall 2
3Reverb Wet Plate 2
4Reverb Dry Plate 2
5Reverb Room 2
6Bright Room 2
7 Early Reflection 2
8 L/C/R Delay 2
9 Stereo/Cross Delay 2
10 St.MultiTapDelay 2
11 St.Modulation Dly 2
12 St.Dynamic Delay 2
13 Auto Panning Delay 2
Modulation&Pitch 14 Stereo Chorus 2
15 Stereo Flanger 2
16 Stereo Phaser 2
17 Stereo Vibrato 2
18 Stereo Tremolo 2
19 St.Pitch Shifter 2
Dynamics&Filter 20 Stereo Compressor 2
21 Stereo Expander 2
22 Stereo Limiter 2
23 Stereo Gate 2
24 Stereo Filter 2
25 Stereo Wah 2
26 Multiband Limiter 4
SFX&etc 27 St.Analog Record 2
28 Talking Modulator 2
29 St.Ring Modulator 2
30 Rotary Speaker 2
1: Reverb Hall
2: Smooth Hall
3: Reverb Wet Plate
4: Reverb Dry Plate
Rev Time (Reverb Time) 0.1...10.0sec
Sets the reverberation time
HiDamp (High Damp) 53Hz...20.0kHz, THRU
Sets the damping amount in the high range
PreDelay (Pre Delay) 0...200msec
Sets the delay time from the dry sound
Dry:Wet Dry, 1:99...99:1, Wet
Sets the balance between the effect and dry sounds
EQ Trim –15...+15dB
Sets the equalizer trim level
LEQ Gain (Pre LEQ Gain) –15...+15dB
Sets the gain of Low EQ
HEQ Gain (Pre HEQ Gain) –15...+15dB
Sets the gain of High EQ
P.DlyThru (Pre Delay Thru) 0...100%
Sets the mix ratio of non-delay sound
5: Reverb Room
6: Bright Room
Rev Time (Reverb Time) 0.1...3.0sec
Sets the reverberation time
HiDamp (High Damp) 53Hz...20.0kHz, THRU
Sets the damping amount in the high range
PreDelay (Pre Delay) 0...200msec
Sets the delay time from the dry sound
Dry:Wet Dry, 1:99...99:1, Wet
Sets the balance between the effect and dry sounds