Algorithm listProgram listStereo type
Monaural type
This effect applies the Limiter to the low range, mid range,
and high range of the input signal. You can control dynamics
for each range to adjust the sound pressure of the low range,
mid range, and high range in a different way from the EQ.
This effect lowers the level of input signals that are below a
specified level.
: Pre Delay Time
This parameter sets the delay time of the Gate input. If the
sound has a very fast attack, increase the delay time so that the
signal will be input after the Gate is opened.
This is a filter with frequency control. It can be controlled by
a envelope or LFO.
This is a wah effect that can be controlled by an envelope or
By selecting Manual as the Control Source, you can create the
effect of an actual wah pedal left in a fixed position.
Alternatively, if you assign an expression pedal to control Man-
ual, you can operate the expression pedal to control the sound
just like an actual wah pedal.
22: Stereo Limiter
Threshold –48.0...0.0dB
Sets the level at which compression begins to apply
Attack 0...1.00sec
Sets the attack time
Release 0...10.0sec
Sets the release time
Out Gain (Output Gain) –24.0...+24.0dB
Adjusts the output level gain
Env.Select (Envelope Select) L/R Mix, L/R Indiv
Switches the left/right channels between linked or independent
Response Slow, Medium, Fast
Selects the response speed
Tube Sat (Tube Saturation) 0...100
Sets the depth of vacuum tube distortion
23: Stereo Gate
Threshold –48.0...0.0dB
Sets the level at which compression
Attack 0...1.00sec
Sets the attack time
Release 0...10.0sec
Sets the release time
Range –inf, –48...0.0dB
Compression level
Env.Select (Envelope Select) L/R Mix, L/R Indiv
Switches the left/right channels between linked or independent
Response Slow, Medium, Fast
Selects the response speed
PreDelay (Pre Delay Time) 0...200ms
Sets the delay time
Out Gain (Output Gain) –24.0...+24.0dB
Adjusts the output level gain
24: Stereo Filter
Fc Bottom (Control Fc Bottom) 53Hz...20.0kHz
Sets the lower limit of the frequency to be controlled
Fc Top (Control Fc Top) 53Hz...20.0kHz
Sets the upper limit of the frequency to be controlled
Resonance 0...100%
Sets the resonance amount
Tr im 0...100%
Adjusts the filter level
FilterType HPF, BPF, LPF
Selects the filter type
Control (Control Source) Envelope, LFO
Switches the control source
Polarity [+]Plus, [–]Minus
Inverts the control
Dry:Wet Dry, 1:99...99:1, Wet
Sets the balance between the effect and dry sounds
Waveform (LFO Waveform) Triangle, Sine, Saw
Selects LFO Waveform
*LFO Speed 0.02...20.00Hz
Sets the LFO speed
LFO Step 0...256
Selects the LFO step
L-R Phase (LFO L-R Phase) –180...+180deg
Sets the LFO phase difference between the left and right
Env.Select (Envelope Select) L/R Mix, L/R Indiv
Links or un-links the left/right channels for envelope control
Env.Resp (Envelope Response) Slow, Medium, Fast
Selects the response speed of envelope control
Env.Sens (Envelope Sensitivity) 0...100%
Sets the sensitivity of envelope control
25: Stereo Wah
Control (Control Source) Envelope, LFO, Manual
Switches the control source
Env.Select (Envelope Select) L/R Mix, L/R Indiv
Links or un-links the left/right channels for envelope control
Env.Resp (Envelope Response) Slow, Medium, Fast
Selects the response speed of envelope control
Env.Sens (Envelope Sensitivity) 0...100%
Sets the sensitivity of envelope control
Waveform (LFO Waveform) Triangle, Sine, Saw
Selects LFO Waveform
*LFO Speed 0.02...20.00Hz
Sets the LFO speed
LFO Step 0...256
Selects the LFO step
LFO Phase (LFO L-R Phase) –180...+180deg
Sets the LFO phase difference between the left and right
Wah.Type (Wah Type)
Selects the wah type
*Manual (Manual Control) 0...100
Sets the control position manually
DirectMix (Direct Mix Level) 0...100%
Adjusts the mix level of the direct sound
Wah Level 0...100
Sets the wah level
Stereo type