Quick Start
Step 1: PreparationsStep 2: Quick recordingStep 3: OverdubbingStep 4: Mixdown and
3. Recording the master track
To create an audio CD, you need to create a stereo master track.
There are eight virtual master tracks (per song). This way, you can create various
mixes of your song, and compare them before choosing your favorite.
(1)Specify a virtual track.
Press the TRACK key, select the “MasterTrk” tab page, and click the V-Level
buttons to select a virtual master track (A–H).
(2)Arm the master track for recording.
Press the MASTER key located above the MASTER fader to select Record
mode (key lit red). The REC/PLAY key will automatically be turned on, and
the channel keys of each track will automatically be set to Play mode (key lit
(3)Adjust the recording level.
• Set the MASTER fader to “0.”
•Press the METER key.
•Press the PLAY key to play back the song.
• While watching the master bus level meter, adjust the MASTER fader so
that clipping does not occur.
(4)Return to the beginning of the song. (→p.38)
(5)Record the master track.
Press the REC key to enter record-ready condition (LED blinking), and then
press the PLAY key to begin recording (LED lit).
When you finish recording, press the STOP key.
(6)Listen to the recorded result.
Press the MASTER key located above the master track to set it to play (key lit
The channel keys of tracks 1–16 will automatically change to muted (key
Return to the beginning of the song. (→p.38)
Press the PLAY key and enjoy your song.
(5)(6)(5)(6) (5)
Step 4: Mixdown and