If the Cache Memory option is not what you want, use the
< PgUp > or < PgDn > key to change the option value. The
options are:
Enabled : The memory cache is enabled. This is the
recommended option. You can operate your
work more rapidly and efficiently with this
system using cache memory.
Disabled : The memory cache is disabled. This is the lower-
performance option. You should select it only if
your programs have difficulty running with the
cache enabled.
System BIOS Shadow
System BIOS Shadow Option copies BIOS from ROM to
RAM. By enabling this option, BIOS service will be accessed
from RAM which is faster than accessing from ROM.
Video BIOS Shadow
Video BIOS shadow option copies video BIOS from ROM to
RAM. By enabling this option Video BIOS services will be
accessed from RAM which is faster than accessing from ROM.
Remap 256K RAM
Remap 256K RAM option copies 256K from ROM to RAM.
You can use Extended memory more sufficiently by enabling
this option.
Running the Setup Program