Copying on Single Drive Systems
MS-DOS uses the external command DISKCOPY to copy
entire diskettes. DISKCOMP is used to compare the original
and backup diskettes to ensure that the copy is accurate.
To copy your master diskettes, first turn your computer on and
boot up MS-DOS. Choose the Command prompt option from
the DOS shell menu. The system prompt will appear. Enter the
following command:
The following message will be displayed:
The “SOURCE” diskette is the disk that you will be copying
from. Insert the MS-DOS master diskette into the A drive.
Press any key, such as the SPACEBAR. The floppy disk drive
will be activated, and your computer will display:
Copying xx tracks
x Sectors/Track, x Side(s)
The contents of the disk are being read into your computer’s
memory. After a few moments, the following message will
MS-DOS With Your Computer