The computer will display the B drive diskette’s directory, then
remain logged to the B drive.
Quite often, when dealing with disk files, you may find yourself
looking through directories for a particular file or group of files.
MS-DOS has a way to help you sort out those files you want
without having to read through the entire directory listing.
This is through the use of “wildcard” characters. Wildcard
characters are used to make a single command cover a number
of similarly named files.
While MS-DOS provides several wildcard characters, the most
one you will be using most often is the asterisk ( * ). The
asterisk matches any number of sequential characters in a
filename or extension.
For instance, to look at a listing of all the .EXE program files
on your main system diskette, enter the command:
This will produce a directory that looks like this:
MS-DOS With Your Computer