3: Command Line Interface
EDS-MD Command Reference 13
Figure 3-4 Enable Level Commands
auto show interfaces auto show processes
clrscrn configure
connect connect line <line>
device disable
dns email <number>
exit filesystem
kill ssh <session> kill telnet <session>
line <line> ping <host>
ping <host> <count> ping <host> <count> <timeout>
reload reload factory defaults
show show history
show interfaces show ip sockets
show lines show processes
show sessions
ssh <optClientUsername> <host>
ssh <optClientUsername> <host> <port>
ssl telnet <host>
telnet <host> <port> trace route <host>
trace route <host> <method> tunnel <line>
write xml
See the Chapter 5: Commands and Levels at the end of this document for a complete list of levels,
commands, and descriptions.