4: Configuration Using XML
EDS-MD Command Reference 23
ip ip time to live Default: 64 hops
multicast time to live Default: 1 hops
line name
interface rs232 Default:
termination enable, disable Default: disable
state enable, disable Default: depends on
protocol none, tunnel Default:
baud rate Default: 9600 bits per
parity even, none, odd Default: none
data bits 7, 8 Default: 8
stop bits 1, 2 Default: 1
flow control none, hardware,
Default: none
xon char Accepts a control
character, for example,
represents control-A
Default: <control>Q
xoff char Accepts a control
character, for example,
represents control-A
Default: <control>S
gap timer <None>, ... Default: <None>
threshold Default: 56 bytes
Group Name
Group Item Value Name Value Options Additional