EDS-MD Command Reference 6
1: About This Guide
This guide describes how to configure the EDS-MD4, EDS-MD8 and EDS-MD16 using the
Command Line Interface (CLI) and/or Extensible Markup Language (XML). It is written for
software developers and system integrators.
Note: EDS-MD device servers (which include models EDS-MD4, EDS-MD8 and
EDSMD16) are commonly referred to as either EDS-MD4/8/16 or as EDS-MD when
mentioned within a description equally applicable to any of the three models.
Chapter Summaries
This table lists and summarizes content of each chapter.
The table below lists and describes the conventions used in this book.
Chapter Summary
Chapter 2: Overview Gives an overview of CLI and XML.
Chapter 3: Command Line Interface Lists commands and describes how to use CLI to
configure the EDS-MD4/8/16.
Chapter 4: Configuration Using XML Lists XCR groups and items and describes how to use
XCRs to configure the EDS-MD4/8/16.
Chapter 5: Commands and Levels Provides an index of the CLI Command Hierarchy with
hyperlinks to the corresponding command details.
Convention Description
Bold text Default parameters.
Italic text Required values for parameters
Brackets [ ] Optional parameters.
Angle Brackets < > Possible values for parameters.
Pipe | Choice of parameters.
Warning Warning: Means that you are in a situation that could cause
equipment damage or bodily injury. Before you work on any
equipment, you must be aware of the hazards involved with electrical
circuitry and familiar with standard practices for preventing accidents.
Note Note: Means take notice. Notes contain helpful suggestions, information,
or references to material not covered in the publication.
Caution Caution: Means you might do something that could result in faulty
equipment operation, or loss of data.
Screen Font
(Courier New)
CLI terminal sessions and examples of CLI input.