
Glossary of Terms
UDS-10 User Guide 11-3
A data transmission technique allowing multiple high-speed signals to share the bandwidth of a single
cable via frequency division multiplexing.
Broadband Network:
A network that uses multiple carrier frequencies to transmit multiplexed signals on a single cable.
Several networks may coexist on a single cable without interfering with one another.
A device that routes specific protocols, such as TCP/IP and IPX, and bridges other protocols, thereby
combining the functions of both routers and bridges.
A LAN topology in which all the nodes are connected to a single cable. All nodes are considered equal
and receive all transmissions on the medium.
A data unit of eight bits.
The data path between two nodes.
(Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol) Authentication scheme for PPP where the password
not only is required to begin connection but also is required during the connection - failure to provide
correct password during either login or challenge mode will result in disconnect.
Coaxial Cable:
An electrical cable with a solid wire conductor at its center surrounded by insulating materials and an
outer metal screen conductor with an axis of curvature coinciding with the inner conductor - hence
"coaxial." Examples are standard Ethernet cable and Thinwire Ethernet cable.
The result of two network nodes transmitting on the same channel at the same time. The transmitted
data is not usable.
Collision Detect:
A signal indicating that one or more stations are contending with the local station's transmission. The
signal is sent by the Physical layer to the Data Link layer on an Ethernet/IEEE 802.3 node.