
UDS-10 User Guide 3-17
3.6.3 Flow
Flow control sets the local handshake method for stopping serial input/output.
Table 8 - Flow Control Options
Flow Control Option Hex
No flow control 00
XON/XOFF flow control 01
Hardware handshake with RTS/CTS lines 02
XON/XOFF pass characters to host 05
3.6.4 Port Number
The setting represents the source port number in TCP connections, and is the number used to
identify the channel for remote initiating connections. Default setting for Port 1 is 10001.
Range: 0-65535 except for the following reserved port numbers:
Port Numbers Reserved for
1 – 1024 Reserved (well known ports)
9999 Telnet setup
14000-14009 Reserved
30718 Reserved (77FEh)
Recommended ports, should be used for DeviceComm
Manager (COM1-COM256) or direct socket connections
The port number functions as the TCP/UDP source port number for outgoing packets.
Packets sent to the unit with this port number are received to this channel. The port number
selected is the Incoming TCP/UDP port and Outgoing TCP/UDP source port. Port 0 is used
when you want the outgoing source port to change with each connection.