
Glossary of Terms
UDS-10 User Guide 11-7
Ethernet defined SQE signal quality test function.
Hertz (Hz):
A frequency unit equal to one cycle per second.
Generally a node on a network that can be used interactively, i.e., logged into, like a computer.
Host Table:
A list of TCP/IP hosts on the network along with their IP addresses.
Short for HyperText Transfer Protocol, the underlying protocol used by the World Wide Web. HTTP
defines how messages are formatted and transmitted, and what actions Web servers and browsers
should take in response to various commands. For example, when you enter a URL in your browser,
this actually sends an HTTP command to the Web server directing it to fetch and transmit the
requested Web page.
HTTP is called a stateless protocol because each command is executed independently, without any
knowledge of the commands that came before it. This is the main reason that it is difficult to
implement Web sites that react intelligently to user input. This shortcoming of HTTP is being
addressed in a number of new technologies, including ActiveX, Java, JavaScript and cookies.
IEEE 802.3:
The IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers) standard that defines the CSMA/CD
media-access method and the physical and data link layer specifications of a local area network.
Among others, it includes 10BASE2, 10BASE5, 10BASE-FL and 10BASE-T Ethernet
A series of interconnected local, regional, national and international networks, linked using TCP/IP.
Internet links many government, university and research sites. It provides E-mail, remote login and file
transfer services.
General term used to describe the industry composed of products and technologies used to link
networks together.
IP Address:
See Network Address.