xSenso User Guide 61
11: Logging
The xSenso Logging tab/page provides access to the data logging feature available with browsers
that support HTML5 and filesystem API (e.g., Chrome). Users can run customized data logs
through this page. Upon the first visit, the browser will ask for your permission to allow this device
to store data on your PC. Choose Ok. Browser will poll data from xSenso every period (1 minute
default) as configured by user. Data is stored in the browser sandbox filesystem and its usage and
total size is shown below the start/stop data logging button. In the past, webpages were not
allowed to access the PC's local filesystem because this would raise security issues (this is exactly
what a virus wants to do). A browser supporting filesystem API allows webpage to save data in its
own dedicated sandbox filesystem, which becomes the only accessible webpage. Data logging
application stores data here and you can click on the filename to download these log files from the
sandbox filesystem to anywhere on your local computer, just like downloading any file from the
web. Please note that the browser stores data in sandbox filesystem per website, so it is
recommended to have static IP, reserved IP address in DHCP server or access unit by hostname.
It is recommended to use dedicated PC to log data to optimize data logging stability.
Figure 11-1 xSenso 2100 Logging Tab