14: Tunnel and Modbus Settings
xSenso User Guide 74
To Configure Tunnel Accept Mode Settings
Using Web Manager
To configure the Accept Mode for a specific tunnel, go to the Setup tab/page, click Tunnel in
the menu and select Tunnel 1 -> Accept Mode.
Using the CLI
To enter Tunnel 1 Accept Mode command level: enable -> tunnel 1 -> accept
Using XML
Include in your file: <configgroup name="tunnel accept" instance="1">
TCP Keep Alive Enter the time, in milliseconds, the xSenso waits during a silent TCP
connection before checking if the currently connected network device is
still on the network. If the unit gets no response after 1 attempt, it drops
the connection. Enter 0 to disable.
Block Network Set whether Block Network is enabled for debugging purposes. Choices
Enabled = if Enabled, incoming characters from the network will not be
processed. Instead, they will be buffered and will eventually flow off the
network side.
Disabled = this is the default setting; incoming characters from the
network will be processed. Any buffered characters are sent first.
Password Enter a password. This password can be up to 31 characters in length and
must contain only alphanumeric characters and punctuation. When set,
clients must send the correct password string to the unit within 30 seconds
from opening network connection in order to enable data transmission.
The password sent to the unit must be terminated with one of the following:
0A (Line Feed)
00 (Null)
0D 0A (Carriage Return/Line Feed)
0D 00 (Carriage Return/Null)
If, Prompt for Password is set to Enabled and a password is provided,
the user will be prompted for the password upon connection.
Prompt for Password Select Enabled or Disabled (to enable or disable). This option will only
appear if a password is specified above.
Email on Connect Select an email profile number to which an email notification will be sent
upon the establishment of an accept mode tunnel.
Email on Disconnect Select an email profile number to which an email notification will be sent
upon the disconnection of an accept mode tunnel.
Tunnel Accept Mode
Settings (continued)