16: Security Settings
xSenso User Guide 86
Note: SSH Keys from other programs may be converted to the required format. Use
Open SSH to perform the conversion.
SSH Client Known Hosts
The SSH Client Known Hosts are used by all applications that play the role of an SSH Client.
Specifically in Action Connect Mode. Configuring these public keys are optional but if they exist
another layer of security is offered which helps prevent Man-in-the-Middle (MITM) attacks.
Table 16-2 SSH Client Known Hosts
Note: These settings are not required for communication. They protect against Man-In-
The-Middle (MITM) attacks.
SSH Server Authorized Users
The SSH Server Authorized Users are used by all applications that play the role of an SSH Server
and specifically Tunnel Accept. Every user account must have a Password.
The user's Public Keys are optional and only necessary if public key authentication is wanted.
Using public key authentication will allow a connection to be made without the password being
asked at that time.
Note: When uploading the security keys, ensure the keys are not compromised in
Public Key Enter the path and name of the existing public key you want to upload. In
WebManager, you can also browse to the public key to be uploaded.
Key Type Select a key type to use for the new key:
Bit Size Select a bit length for the new key:
RSS Settings Description
Server Specify either a DNS Hostname or IP Address when adding public host keys for a
Server. This Server name should match the name used as the Remote Address in
Action Connect Mode.
Public RSA Key Enter the path and name of the existing public RSA key you want to use with this
user. In WebManager, you can also browse to the public RSA key to be uploaded. If
authentication is successful with the key, no password is required.
Public DSA Key Enter the path and name of the existing public DSA key you want to use with this
user. In WebManager, you can also browse to the public DSA key to be uploaded.If
authentication is successful with the key, no password is required.
RSS Settings