control panel, printer
buttons 27
indicator light 27, 31
Sleep button light 31
using 27
controller board
accessing 14
creating the printer control panel
PIN 64
Credentials invalid. Print job
canceled. 168
custom paper type
assigning 42, 44
configuring 42
custom paper type name
creating 43
Custom Type [x]
assigning a paper type 44
Custom Type [x] name
creating 43
Custom Types menu 88
Default Source menu 77, 81
Defective flash detected [51] 162
Defective flash memory [51] 157
device and network settings
erasing 74
directory list
printing 57
display troubleshooting
printer display is blank 174
display, printer control panel
adjusting brightness 71
documents, printing
from Macintosh 54
from Windows 54
Eco‑Mode setting 65, 68
embedded solutions
erasing 74
Embedded Web Server
accessing 31
accessing the remote control
panel 63
adjusting brightness 71
administrator settings 62
copying settings to other
printers 62
modifying confidential print
settings 67
networking settings 62
problem accessing 203
Embedded Web Server — Security:
Administrator's Guide
where to find 62
Embedded Web Server—Security:
Administrator’s Guide
where to find 75
notices 207, 208, 211, 212, 213
loading, multipurpose feeder 38
tips on using 49
environmental settings
conserving supplies 59
Eco‑Mode 65, 68
Hibernate mode 65, 70
Hibernate Timeout 66, 70
printer display brightness,
adjusting 71
Quiet mode 68
Schedule Power Modes 67, 71
Sleep mode 66, 69
erasing non‑volatile memory 74
erasing volatile memory 74
Ethernet network
preparing to set up for Ethernet
printing 20
Ethernet port 18
Ethernet setup
preparing for an 20
exterior of the printer
cleaning 148
factory defaults, restoring 64, 71
FCC notices 207, 212
finding more information about the
printer 9
Finishing menu 114
firmware card 14
Flash memory full [52] 158
Flash memory unformatted
[53] 158
font sample list
printing 57
font sample list, printing 57
General Settings menu 104, 108
green settings
Eco‑Mode 65, 68
Hibernate mode 65, 70
Hibernate Timeout 66, 70
Quiet mode 68
Schedule Power Modes 67, 71
hardware options, adding
print driver 19
held jobs 56
Help menu 127
Hibernate mode
using 65, 70
Hibernate Timeout
setting 66, 70
HTML menu 125
Image menu 126
imaging unit
ordering 150
replacing 152
Imaging unit low [84.xy] 169
Imaging unit nearly low [84.xy] 169
Imaging unit very low, [x] estimated
pages remain [84.xy] 169
Incorrect paper size, open [paper
source] [34] 163
individual settings
erasing 74
Insert tray [x] 169
optional tray 17
installing an optional card 15
installing optional tray 17
installing printer 19
installing software
Local Printer Settings Utility 28
Insufficient memory for Flash
Memory Defragment operation
[37] 163
Insufficient memory to collate job
[37] 163
Insufficient memory to support
Resource Save feature [35] 163
Insufficient memory, some Held
Jobs were deleted [37] 163
Index 219