
If you are using a proxy server, then temporarily disable it to load the Web page correctly.
2 Click Settings tab > Security > Confidential Print Setup.
3 Modify the settings:
Set a maximum number of PIN entry attempts. When a user exceeds a specific number of PIN entry attempts,
all of the jobs for that user are deleted.
Set an expiration time for confidential print jobs. When a user has not printed the jobs within the specified time,
all of the jobs for that user are deleted.
4 Save the modified settings.
Saving energy
Using Ecomode
Use EcoMode to quickly select one or more ways to reduce your printer's environmental impact.
1 From the printer control panel, navigate to:
> Settings > Settings > > General Settings > > EcoMode > > select the setting you want
Use To
Off Use the factory default settings for all settings associated with EcoMode. This setting supports the
performance specifications for your printer.
Energy Reduce energy use, especially when the printer is idle.
Printer engine motors do not start until a job is ready to print. You may notice a short delay before
the first page is printed.
The printer enters Sleep mode after one minute of inactivity.
Energy/Paper Use all the settings associated with Energy and Paper modes.
Plain Paper
Enable the automatic twosided (duplex) feature.
Turn off print log features.
2 Press .
Reducing printer noise
Use Quiet mode to reduce the printer noise.
1 From the printer control panel, navigate to:
> Settings > Settings > > General Settings > > Quiet Mode >
2 Select a setting you want.
Managing the printer 68