External Eq uipment Con nect,iions
- For optimum picture quality, adjust antenna direction.
Connecting to an inside Antenna _tup
- Typical wall antenna jack used in apa_ment bui!dings, _nnect the antenna cable as shown below.
Turn CloCkwise t° tightenl
- If you have a 75_ round cable, insert the bronze wire and then tighten the conn_tion nut ff you have
a 300.Q flat wire, connect the twisted wire to the antenna converter and then connect the converter to
the antenna jack on the TV.
- ff using 7&Q round cable, do not bend the bronze wire. It may cause _or picture quality.
Connecting to an Outdoor Antenna Setup
This type of antenna is commonly used in single family dwellings
VHF Antenna
Turn c_ockwise to tighten.
75_. Round Cable Co
300£_Flat Wire
Single Family Home
Antenna Antenna Jack
- In _or signal areas, to get better picture qual-
ity, install a signal amplifier to the antenna as
s_wn to the righL
- if sigr,al n_s to be split for two TVs, use an
antenna signal splitter for connection,,