Owner's Manual AAA Batteries
Remote Control
Power Cord
Tie Holder
- Arrange the wires
with the tie Holder.
installation guide
Rack 4oAnchor 4oScrews for wall
mount rack
2-Ring spacers
(20LC1 R* only)
Fixing screw
- The TV is _uip_ with a Kensington Security System con-
n_tor on the back panel. Connect the Kensington Security
System cable as shown below,
For the detailed installation and use of the Kensington
Security System, refer to the user's guide provided with the
Kensington Security System.
For further information, contact h_p:flwww.kensington.com,
the internet homepage of the Kensington company.
Kensington sells security systems for expensive electronic
_uipment such as note_ok PCs and LCD projectors.
- The Kensington Secunty System is an optional accessory.
a. If the _,/feels cold to the touch, there may be a small "flick-
eY' when when it is turned on.
This is normal, there is nothing wrong with TV.
b. Some minute dot defects may _ visiNe on the _reen,
_pearing as tiny red, green, or blue spots. However, they
have no adverse effect on t_ monitor's Ferformance.
c. Avoid touching the LCD screen or holding your finger(s)
against it for long _ri_s of time.
Doing so may produce some temporary distortion effects on
the _reen.
20L01 R*