- In Vid_ mede, TV automatically reverts to TV
mede if the TV buttons are press_,
Connection 1
Set VCR switch to 3 or 4 and then tune TV to
the same channel number,
Connection 2
1, Connect the audio/vid_ output jacks on VCR
to the corresponding input jacks on the TVI
When connecting the TV to a VCR, match the
jack colors (Video = yellow, Audio Left =
white, and Audio Right = red),
2. Insert a video tape into the VCR and press
PLAY on the VCR. (Refer to the VCR owner's
3, Use the iNPUT button on the remote control
to sel_t Video. (If connected to S-VIDEO on
rear panel, select the Video external input
Typical / I I
"_ Antennas _ A ! a _,'
Connection "
- After subscribing to a _1 cable TV sewi_ and installing a converter, you can watch _ble TV programming.
- For further cable TV information, contact a I_1 cable service prov_er,
Connection 1
1. Select 3 or 4 with channeJ switch on cable box.
2. Tune the TV channel to the same selected output channel of
cable box
3, Select cb,anne_ at the c_le box or with the c_le box remote control,,
Connection 2
1, Connect the audio!vid_ output jacks on Cable Box to the corre-
s_nding input jacks on the TV, When connoting the TV to Cable
Box, match the jack colors
(Video = yellow, Audio Left = white, and Audio Right = red).
2, Use _ INPUT b_ on _ retake con_ to selectVi_,
3, Select channels with the cable box remote control,,
Cable Box