Introduction 5
Cabinets are available in a variety of configurations as listed in the following tables. Note that for
a 6000 A system, the cabling is always at the top.
Table 1 Rectifier cabinets
Cabinet Capacity
Cabled top or bottomType Qty
1200 A Helios Rectifier 200I 6 Top
1200 A Helios Rectifier 200I 6 Bottom
1000 A Helios Rectifier 100/48 10 Top or bottom
1200 A Helios Rectifier 200E 6 Top
1200 A Helios Rectifier 200E 6 Bottom
1200 A Helios Rectifier 200E 6 Top
1200 A Helios Rectifier 200E 6 Bottom
Table 2 Control and distribution cabinets
Nominal cabinet capacity Shunt capacity Riser busbar capacity Cabled top or bottom
1500 A 2500 A 2000 A Top
3000 A 4000 A 3000 A Top
4000 A 5000 A 3000 A Top
1500 A 2500 A 2000 A Bottom
3000 A 4000 A 3000 A Bottom
4000 A 5000 A 3000 A Bottom
For a 6000 A system, the charge busbars and the shunt are mounted externally from the control and distribution cabinet.
Table 3 Auxiliary distribution cabinets
Nominal cabinet capacity Top busbar capacity Riser busbar capacity Cabled top or bottom
2000 A 3000 A 2000 A Top
2000 A 3000 A 2000 A Bottom
3000 A 4000 A 3000 A Top
3000 A 4000 A 3000 A Bottom