Operation 29
Twelve potentiometers for the adjustment of alarm and control functions as described in
Table 34.
Table 33 Transmitted alarms
Alarm Description
RECT FAN (1 - Form C contacts)
RFA MIN (1 - Form C contacts)
RFA MAJ (1 - Form C contacts)
H/L FLOAT (2 - Form C contacts)
EQL ALM (1 - Form C contacts)
H/L VOLT (2 - Form C contacts)
FA (1 - Form C contacts)
CHG FUSE (1 - Form C contacts)
DISCH FUSE (1 - Form C contacts)
LVD (1 - Form C contacts)
LOSS OF AC VOLT (1 - Form C contacts)
AUX 1 ALM (2 - Form C contacts)
AUX 2 ALM (2 - Form C contacts)
HVSD (1 - Form C contacts)
BOD (1 - Form C contacts)
MIN VIS (note 2) (2 - Form C contacts)
MAJ VIS (note 2) (2 - Form C contacts)
MIN AUD (2 - Form C contacts)
MAJ AUD (2 - Form C contacts)
Form C contacts are rated at 0.5 A, 60 V AC.
MINOR VIS (2) and MAJ VIS (2) are used for the cabinet alarm lamp.
Table 34 Potentiometers
Designation Description
HVSD High Voltage Shutdown
HV High Voltage Alarm
LV Low Voltage Alarm
HF High Float Alarm
LF Low Float Alarm
LVD Low Voltage Disconnect
BOD Battery On Discharge
VOLT ADJ Plant Voltage Adjustment
REF CAL Reference Calibration
METER ADJ Meter Adjustment
AMP ADJ Ampere Adjustment
LVR Low Voltage Reconnect