Specifications 27
3.11.3 Electrical Specifications
Refer to the individual component’s specifications.
Electromagnetic compliance (EMC)
The equipment contained in the power system complies with the specifications of FCC, Part 15,
Subpart B for class A equipment, CSA 108.8 for class A and CISPR 22 for class A.
Electrostatic discharge (ESD) immunity
No equipment damage or malfunctions shall occur when electrostatic discharge voltages of sever-
ity level 2 and 4, as specified by IEC-801-2, are applied to exposed parts of the power system.
3.11.4 Environmental Specifications
During transportation the equipment may be subjected to the following conditions without damage:
Heat dissipation
A Helios DC System 4000/48 rectifier cabinet equipped with six Helios Rectifier 200I/48 or 200E/
48 will dissipate a maximum of 8,010 watts or 27,350 Btu/hr.
3.11.5 Floor and Point Loading
The floor loading is based on a footprint of 600 mm x 600 mm (23.6 in. x 23.6 in.) plus a 30-inch
aisle width (15 inches front and rear).
The point loading is based on distributing the cabinet weight over four shims, each with an
assumed area of 25.8 cm
(4 in.
Figure 1
for a typical system configuration for floor and point loading calculations.
0° to +50°C (32° to 122°F)
0 to 95% non-condensing
Sea level to 2134 m (7000 ft)
Do NOT ship with the rectifiers installed in the rectifier cabinet(s).
-50° to +75°C (-58° to +167°F)
0 to 95% (non condensing) 4kPa max. WVP for 10 days
TR-NWT-000063 section 5.4.4 Transportation Vibration (packaged equipment)
TR-NWT-000063, Section 5.4.1 Handling Drop Tests, and Section 5.4.3 Installation Shop Tests
-50° to +75°C (-58° to +167°F)
0 to 95% (non condensing) 4kPa max. WVP for 10 days
Table 31 Floor and point loading
Cabinet type Floor loading Point loading
Control and distribution cabinet 41.3 kN/sq m (90.9 lb/sq ft) 34.5 N/sq cm (50 lb/sq in.)
Auxiliary distribution cabinet 32.3 kN/sq m (71 lb/sq ft) 26.9 N/sq cm (39 lb/sq in.)
Rectifier cabinet 50.1 kN/sq m (110.2 lb/sq ft) 41.8 N/sq cm (60.6 lb/sq in.)