
Control Training and Service Manual
CPU: Central Processing Unit; the part of a computer system that contains the
main storage, arithmetic unit and special register groups (It performs arithmetic
operations, controls instruction processing and provides timing signals.)
Data: Another name for information
Data Bus: One method of input/output for a system where data is moved by way
of a group of wires forming a common bus
Decrease Button: Control button used to decrease values
Digital: Information in discrete or quantified form, not continuous
DIP: Dual Inline Package; a type of Integrated Circuit (IC)
DIP Switch: Type of electronic switch having multiple, manually selectable
Earth ground: The portion of an electrical circuit that is at zero potential with
respect to the earth
Electrostatic Field: The field around an electrostatically charged object
Electrostatic Voltage: Voltage generated by the sliding, rubbing or separating
action between materials
EPROM: Erasable and Programmable Read-Only Memory; an integrated circuit
memory chip whose stored data can be read at random (Data can be erased and
new data can be stored.)
ESDS: ElectroStatic Discharge Sensitive; sensitive to electrostatic voltage of
4000 volts or less as determined by the human test circuit
Fill Period: The period during which the humidifier pan is filled from a partially
filled state to the level required for optimum humidification
Firmware: Software stored in EPROM or PROM
Hard Ground: A direct connection to earthground (also refer to soft ground)
Hardware: The PCB, cable, switches and associated devices
Hysteresis: Differential
IC: Integrated Circuit; an assembly that consists of all the necessary parts of an
electronic circuit