
Control Training and Service Manual
Network Information
Commonly known as: Network wire, Ethernet cable, Cat5 cable, the information
following will explain the connectivity for Liebert Environmental units.
Fundamentally, this section will explain the terms of networking so that you can
apply the information to building your own network. The parts and components
are discussed in generic fashion since equipment manufacturers and price range
of the equipment varies and changes on an almost daily basis. However, the
terms themselves stay relatively consistent, so purchasing or discussing your
needs with networking personnel remains the same.
What is networking?…
In it’s simplest form, a network can be created when 2 units are connected through
communication wires. This simple connection requires a special “crossover” cable
which “crosses” the receive and transmit lines (hence, the name of the cable) and
is readily available at your local computer store. However, for most applications,
the simpler and more generic installation requires network cables and a hub or
switch as explained below.
Twisted Pair Ethernet (10baseT), sometime also called "UTP" from "Unshielded
Twisted Pair", is based on using a cable and connectors similar to phone-wiring.
The cable is connected via an RJ-45 connectors to the network connection
installed in the Air Unit. The wire itself is generally called Category 5 wire.
The opposite end of the network cable connects
each Air Unit to the "hub" or “switch”: these devices
amplify and distribute the signal to other connected
units. Switches and hubs range in prices from $20
to thousands depending on the application. Most
businesses have standardized on their networking equipment, so there is one
probably already installed. Hubs are like mechanical devices where the
connections themselves are automatically switched, allowing you to “bus” 2 or
more devices easily. In a hub, only 1 device can communicate at a time.
Category 5 cable
UTP connector