Control Training and Service Manual
When the return air humidity level decreases to 52%RH or 50% of the
dehumidification control band the second dehumidification stage is deactivated.
When the return air humidity level decreases to the humidity set point of 50% or
0% of the humidity proportional band the first dehumidification stage is
2 Stage Compressorized Dehumidification – With Dead Band
Humid Set Point: 50%
Proportional Band: 8%
50 51 52 53 54 55
Increasing Humidity
Stage 2 Off
Humidity Set Point + (1/2 Dead Band +1/2 Proportional Band)
Stage 1 Off
Stage 1 On
Stage 2 On
Note: in the above example that the control band begins at the 50% humidity set
point and has a length of 5%, which is ½ of the programmed dead band value plus
½ of the programmed humidity proportional band value.
As the return air humidity level increases, first stage dehumidification operation is
activated at 53%RH or ½ of the programmed dead band value plus 50% of the
dehumidification control band. If the return air humidity level continues to increase
the second dehumidification stage actives at 54%RH or ½ of the programmed
dead value plus 100% of the programmed humidity proportional control band.
When the return air humidity level decreases to 53%RH or ½ of the programmed
dead band value plus 50% of the programmed proportional control band the
second dehumidification stage is deactivated. When the return humidity level
decreases to 51%RH or ½ of the dead band value plus 0% of the programmed
proportional control band the first stage dehumidification deactivated.
Reheating during Dehumidification
The Parameter Electric Reheat Enabled defines how the reheats react when the
return air temperature decreases below the temperature set point during the