ConsoleServer 3200 Sys Admin Command List
[] - optional <> - parameter must be specified
| - OR
F1 - Display Help Screen (VT100 mode)
ABBREVIATIONS - Show list of command abbreviations
CONNECTIONS [/MONITOR] - Show list of current connections
(/monitor will auto-refresh)
INFO <slot letter> - Report miscellaneous information
LISTCARDS - Show list of installed cards
LISTDEVICES - Show list of device names
POWERSTATUS - Show status of power supplies
VERSION [/ALL|slot letter] - Report software version information
(/ALL - return version for all cards)
sys admin>>help
ConsoleServer 3200 Sys Admin Command List
[] - optional <> - parameter must be specified
| - OR
F1 - Display Help Screen (VT100 mode)
ABBREVIATIONS - Show list of command abbreviations
ADDUSER [new user id] - Add a new user
BACKUP - Backup internal database
(db will be output using ASCII)
BREAK <terminal channel> - Break connection
CHANGEPSWD - Change the sys admin password
CONNECTIONS [/MONITOR] - Show list of current connections
(/monitor will auto-refresh)
DELETEUSER [existing user id|/XX] - Delete a user by user id or number
(use LISTUSERS to get the number in the first column which
corresponds to the user you wish to delete)
DEVICES - Display device settings
DEVICES [/ALL|n|device name] (n can be 1 to 32) - change settings
EDITUSER [existing user id] - Edit a user's settings
FORCELOGOUT <terminal channel>- Force a user off the system
FORCELOGOUT sysadmin <network slot letter> - Force logout a sys admin
session on a network card.
<network slot letter> - card slots B through E only.
INFO <slot letter> - Report miscellaneous information
LCIUPDATE [/tftp][<subsystem>]- Start system update process
(requires update file(s))
/tftp - used only at console port, when system updates are
transfered using the network.
[<subsystem>]- destination of image sent over network
while facing the back of the 3200
(where cards can be inserted or removed), the letters A-P are used
to refer to the slots in the box.
Starting from the left to right, A,B,C,D,,,,P
A number after the letter tells which subsystem on the card to
Currently the only card which has two subsystems is the network card.
Otherwise all other cards have only one subsystem.
see the following examples:
example: A1 for modem card
B1 for a terminal card
B1 and B2 for network card (netterminal and network files)
Card type ranges:
A1 - modem card
B1 - E1 can hold either terminal cards or network cards
if a network card is in one of the slots,