
Sys admin>>LISTCARDS
Installed cards
Slot A : <card not installed>
Slot B : Terminal card installed
Slot C : Terminal card installed
Slot D : Terminal card installed
Slot E : Terminal card installed
Slot F : Switch card 1 installed
Slot G : Switch card 2 installed
Slot H : Device card installed
Slot I : Device card installed
Slot J : Device card installed
Slot K : Device card installed
Slot L : Device card installed
Slot M : Device card installed
Slot N : Device card installed
Slot O : Device card installed
sys admin>>
The LISTCARDS command will simply tell the sys admin which cards are plugged into
the ConsoleServer 3200 chassis. It only lists the cards (by type) as present or not
present, and does not indicate whether the cards are functioning properly.
sys admin>>VERSION /ALL
ConsoleServer 3200
Slot B1: V2.15 10/01/99 Terminal Boot V1.62 (Sep 30 1999) (14:33:12)
Slot C1: V2.15n 10/01/99 Net Terminal Boot V1.62 (Sep 30 1999) (12:44:32)
Slot C2: V1.16 Build 7 09/29/99 Network Boot V1.62 (Sep 30 1999) (14:45:52)
Ethernet Address: 00-30-31-00-01-D5
Slot F1: V 1.03 Switch 1
Slot G1: V 1.03 Switch 2
Slot H1: V2.15 10/04/99 Device Boot V1.62 (Sep 30 1999) (14:40:51)
Slot P1: V2.12 Build 15 10/01/99 Control Boot V1.62 (Oct 01 1999) (11:13:06)
sys admin>>
By itself, the VERSION command lists the boot and flash software version for the control
card. The version information for a single card other than the control card may be
displayed by typing the card slot letter ID after the VERSION command. If the sys admin
desires to list the software version for all cards, he should type VERSION /ALL at the
command prompt. This will list the versions of the boot and flash software for all cards,
listed by card slot letter designation. Each network card will display two sets of software
versions: one set for the network portion of the card and one for the user terminal
portion, while all other cards will only return one set of version information.