no time/date stamp on system activity. If a time/date stamp is required, it must be
provided by the system capturing the data output.
Connection instructions for the logging port:
1. Turn on power to the terminal or computer. If using a computer, start the desired
communication program. The terminal or communications program used must
be in VT100 emulation mode
2. Ensure that the communications settings are correct. The factory defaults for the
control card, which may only be changed by a hardware DIP switch, are 9600
baud, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, and no parity (9600 8N1). If in doubt as to the
current communication settings on the control card, check the DIP switches and
refer to Figure 2, Control Card Layout with DIP Switch Settings, on page 9.
3. Locate the serial port on the terminal or computer and determine what type of
connector is used. The cable kit included with the ConsoleServer 3200 contains
each of the following: one RJ45 serial cable, an RJ45 to male DB9 adapter, an
RJ45 to female DB9 adapter, an RJ45 to male DB25 adapter, and an RJ45 to
female DB25 adapter. Select the appropriate adapter for the serial port on the
terminal or computer.
4. Firmly seat the adapter in the serial port. Screw down the adapter to secure it to
the serial port.
5. Insert one end of the serial cable into the adapter until a click is heard. Insert the
other end of the serial cable into port "B" of the control card, again until a click is
6. At the sys admin>> prompt, enter the command LOG /ENABLE. Log in as a
user as outlined in chapter 7. Check for output on the logging port. If no output
has appeared, check all cable connections. If “garbage” characters appear,
check that all communications parameters match.
7. The ConsoleServer 3200 will continue to output logging information through the
“B” port of the control card until the command LOG /DISABLE is entered at the
sys admin>> prompt. Configure any text captures or scripts as needed to
receive the logging data.
6.8 Sys Admin Session Management Commands
The ConsoleServer 3200 features two commands that allow the sys admin to manage
properties of the control port terminal session.