
Avoid breathing dust and contact with skin and eyes.
Use NIOSH certified dust respirator (N95)
Lightly mist with water (only those areas being handled)
the combustion chamber lining or base insulation to
prevent airborne fibers.
Remove combustion chamber lining or base insulation
from the boiler and place it in a plastic bag for disposal.
Wash potentially contaminated clothes separately from
other clothing. Rinse clothes thoroughly.
NIOSH stated First Aid:
Eye: Irrigate immediately.
Breathing: Fresh air.
a. Turn “OFF” main power to the appliance.
b. Turn “OFF” external manual gas shutoff valve
to appliance.
c. Remove the control panel door.
d. Remove the outer air deflector (FIG.38A )
e. Disconnect gas valve wiring and remove gas
manifold assembly.
f. Remove ignition wire leading to the pilot
assembly from the ignition module.
g. Disconnect the wiring from the flame roll-
out/interlock switch, see Figure 32, page 23.
h. Remove the lower front jacket panel.
i. Remove the control panel mounting screws.
When removing the control panel, lay the
control panel to the side with the wiring intact,
being careful not to damage any of the wiring.
Remove the combustion chamber door. Use
caution to prevent damage to burn ers,
refractory, pilot or wiring.
j. Check the heat exchanger surface for sooting.
The external surfaces of the copper tubes
should be free of any soot deposits. (A slight
black smudge is normal with some types of
gases.) If abnormal soot deposits are present,
the heat exchanger must be cleaned and the
cause of the soot problem corrected. Proceed as
k. Remove soot from burners and bottom of the
finned tubes with a stiff bristle brush. Dirt
may also be removed from burner ports by
rinsing the burner thor ough ly with water.
Drain and dry burners before re-installing.
Damaged burners must be re placed.
An appliance installed in a dust or dirt con tam i nat ed
atmosphere will require cleaning of the burners on a 3
to 6 month schedule or more often, based on severity of
contamination. Contaminants can be drawn in with the
combustion air. Non-combustible particulate mat ter
such as dust, dirt, concrete dust or dry wall dust can
block burner ports and cause non-warrantable failure.
Use extreme care when operating an appliance for
temporary heat during new construction. The burners
will probably re quire a thorough cleaning before the
appliance is placed in service.
l. Remove gas manifold as described in steps a.
thru e. in “Heat Exchanger/Burner Access.”
m. Loosen mounting screws and remove front
control panel.
n. Loosen screws on the upper front jack et panel
and remove toward front of the appliance. Use
caution to prevent damage to re frac to ry on the
doors inner surface.
The combustion chamber lining in this appliance
contains ceramic fiber materials. Ceramic fibers can
transform into cristobalite (crystalline silica) when
exposed to temperatures above 2192°F (1200°C)
dependent upon the length of exposure time.*
The International Agency for Research on Cancer
(I.A.R.C.) has concluded, "Crystalline silica inhaled in
the form of quartz or cristobalite from occupational
sources is carcinogenic to humans."**
Testing has confirmed that the ceramic fibers in this
application do not reach 2192°F (1200°C).
*Reference Dyson, D., Butler, M., Hughes, R., Fisher,
R., and Hicks, G. The Devitrification of Alumino-
silicate Ceramic Fiber Materials - The Kinetics of the
Formation of Different Crystalline Phases, Ann.
Occup. Hyg. Vol. 41, No. 55, 1997.
**Reference I.A.R.C. Monograph 68, June 1997.
The ceramic fiber material used in this appliance is an
irritant; when handling or replacing the ceramic materials
it is advisable that the installer follow these safety guides.