
FIG. 39 Gas Train 45,000 - 399,999 Btu/hr Models
FIG. 40 Gas Train 500,000 Btu/hr Model
The drawings in this section show typical heating
boil er piping installations. Before beginning the in stal -
la tion, consult local codes for specific plumb ing
re quire ments. The installation should provide unions
and valves at the inlet and outlet of the boil er so it can
be isolated for service. The boiler cir cu lat ing pump, air
sep a ra tor, expansion tank and oth er components
required for proper installation must be purchased
locally. An air separation device must be supplied in
the in stal la tion piping to eliminate trapped air in the
system. Lo cate a system air vent at the highest point in
the sys tem. The system must also have a properly sized
expansion tank installed. Typically, an air charged
di a phragm-type expansion tank is used. The expansion
tank must be installed close to the boiler and on the
suction side of the system pump to ensure proper
op er a tion. Caution: This boiler system should not be
operated at less than 12 PSIG. Hot water pip ing must
be supported by suitable hangers or floor stands, NOT
by the boiler. Copper pipe systems will be subject to
considerable expansion and con trac tion. Rigid pipe
hangers could allow the pipe to slide in the hanger
resulting in noise transmitted into the system. Padding
is recommended on rigid hangers installed with a
copper system. The boiler pressure relief valve must be
piped to a suitable floor drain. See the relief valve
section in the In stal la tion and Service Manual.
Heating Boilers with inputs of 45,000 - 260,000 Btu/hr
have 1 1/2" NPT inlet and outlet connections. Heating
boilers with inputs of 315,000 - 500,000 Btu/hr have 2"
NPT. All water heaters have 2" NPT. Cau tion: Field
installed reducing bushings may de crease flow re sult ing
in boiler noise or flashing to steam.
This is a low mass, high efficiency hot water boil er
which must have adequate flow for quiet, efficient
op er a tion. The boiler circulating pump must be
pur chased locally. The boiler circulator pump must
operate con tin u ous ly while the boiler is firing. Pump
selection is critical to achieve proper op er a tion. A
pump should be selected to achieve proper system
design water temperature rise. A heat ex chang er
pressure drop chart (Table L) is provided to assist in
proper pump selection. Also provided is a System
Temperature Rise Chart (Table N). This table provides
GPM and boiler head-loss at various temperature rises
for each boiler based on Btu/hr input. Temperature rise
is the difference in boiler inlet temperature and boiler
outlet temperature while the boiler is firing. Example:
The boiler inlet tem per a ture is 160°F and the boiler
outlet temperature is 180°F, this means that there is a
20°F tem per a ture rise across the boiler.
A leak in a boiler system will cause the system to
intake fresh water constantly, which will cause the
tubes to accumulate a lime/scale build up. This will
cause a
Upon completion of any testing on the gas system,
leak test all gas connections with a soap solution
while main burners are operating. Im me di ate ly
repair any leak found in the gas train or re lat ed
Do Not operate an appliance with a
leak in the gas train, valves or related piping.