
EXHAUST FANS: Any fan or equipment which ex -
hausts air from the room where the appliance is installed
may deplete the combustion air supply and/or cause a
down draft in the venting system, spilling flue products
into the room. Spillage of flue products from the
venting system into an occupied living space can cause
a very hazardous condition that must be corrected im -
me di ate ly. If a fan is used to supply com bus tion air to
the room where the appliance is installed, the installer
must make sure that it does not cause drafts which could
lead to nuisance operational problems with the
Vent installations for connection to gas vents or
chimneys must be in accordance with Part 7, “Vent ing
of Equipment,” of the latest edition of the Na tion al Fuel
Gas Code, ANSI Z223.1, in Canada, the latest edi tion of
CGA Standard B149 Installation Code for Gas Burning
Appliances and Equipment or applicable pro vi sions of
the local building codes.
Adequate combustion and ventilation air must be
sup plied to the room where the appliance is installed in
accordance with the latest edition of the National Fuel
Gas Code, ANSI Z223.1, in Canada, the latest edition of
CGA Stan dard B149 Installation Code for Gas Burning
Ap pli anc es and Equipment, or applicable pro vi sions of
the local building codes.
The distance of the vent terminal from adjacent
build ings, windows that open and building open ings
MUST comply with the latest edition of the National
Fuel Gas Code, ANSI Z223.1, in Canada, the latest
edition of CGA Standard B149 In stal la tion Code for
Gas Burn ing Appliances and Equip ment.
Vent connection is made directly to the top of the
ap pli ance. This appliance is designed with a built-in
draft diverter. No additional external draft hood is re -
quired. The connection from the appliance vent to the
common vent or chimney must be made as direct as
FIG. 9 Conventional Negative Draft Vertical Venting
The negative draft in a conventional vent in stal la tion
must be within the range of a negative 0.02 to 0.05
inches water column to ensure proper operation. All
draft read ings are made while the appliance is in stable
op er a tion (approximately 2 to 5 minutes).
Multiple appliance installations with combined vent ing
or common venting with other negative draft ap pli anc -
es require that each appliance must have draft with in
the proper range. If the draft mea sured above the
appliance’s built-in draft diverter ex ceeds the specified
range in a dedicated chimney for a single appliance
installation or in combined venting with other negative
draft appliances, a baro met ric damper must be in stalled
to control draft.
Input Btu/hr Flue Size
45,000 4"
75,000 5"
90,000 5"
135,000 6"
180,000 7"
199,999 7"
215,000 7"
260,000 8"
315,000 8"
360,000 9"
399,999 10"
500,000 10"