Function returns a converted value if values or strings are given.
Both built-in functions, which are built-in as robot features, and user definition functions, which can
be freely defined, can be used with this robot.
User definition functions are defined in the customizing mode.
Whether they are Numeric functions or String functions depends on the type of returned values.
Operator Description Value
+ Adds the left and right values. num
- Deducts the right value from the left value. num
* Multiplys the left and right values. num
/ Divides the left value by the right value. num
& Combines the left and right values. "A" & "B" "AB" str
= Assigns the right value to a left value. num,str
Returns 1 if the left value is larger than the right value. 0 if the left value is
smaller or the same.
Returns 1 if the left value is smaller than the right value. 0 if the left value is
larger or the same.
Returns 1 if the left value is larger than the right value or the same. 0 if the
left value is smaller.
Returns 1 if the left value is smaller than the right value or the same. 0 if the
left value is larger.
<>,>< Returns 1 if the left value is not equal to the right value. 0 if they are equal. num,str
== Returns 1 if the left value is equal to the right value. 0 if they are not equal. num,str
<Operator’s Priority>
1. Expression in brackets
2. Function, Variable
3. Independent “+”, “-“
4. “*”, “/”
5. “+”, “-“, “&”
6. Relational Operator (“>”, “>=”, “=>”, “=<”, “<=”, “<”, “<>”, “><”)
7. Assignment Operator (“=”)
Features II CARTESIAN Benchtop Robot