String functions
The following can be used as string built-in functions.
x, y: Numeric value or Numeric variable
n, m: Numeric value made a certain digit or greater by rounding or truncation
a, b: String or string variable
Type Identifier Description
str chr(x) Returns a string (1 character) with the given character code.
num ord(a)
Returns the value of the top character code. Other characters
are ignored.
num len(a)
Returns the string length (byte length). Does not handle multi
byte codes.
num strPos(a,b) Returns the first part string position that matches b in a.
str strMid(a,n,m)
Returns a character string from the n th to the m th characters,
counting from the top of character string a.
str str(x) Converts a numeric value to a decimal string.
str strBin(n,m)
Converts a numeric value to a binary string. m: Number of binary
string digits
str strHex(n,m)
Converts a numeric value to a hexadecimal string. m: Number of
hexadecimal string digits
str str1SI(x)
Rounds a numeric value to a 1 byte signed integer and converts
it to a 1 byte string. (1 byte Signed Integer)
str str2SIBE(x)
Rounds a numeric value to a 2 byte signed integer and converts
it to a 2 byte string big endian.
(2 byte Signed Integer
Big Endian )
str str2SILE(x)
Rounds a numeric value to a 2 byte signed integer and converts
it to a 2 byte string little endian.
(2 byte Signed Integer Little Endian )
str str4SIBE(x)
Rounds a numeric value to a 4 byte signed integer and converts
it to a 4 byte string big endian.
(4 byte Signed Integer Big Endian )
String system
str str4SILE(x)
Rounds a numeric value to a 4 byte signed integer and converts
it to a 4 byte string little endian.
(4 byte Signed Integer Little Endian )
str str4FBE(x)
Regards a numeric value as a floating decimal and converts it to
a 4 byte string big endian. (4 byte Float Big Endian)
str str4FLE(x)
Regards a numeric value as a floating decimal and converts it to
a 4 byte string little endian. (4 byte Float Little Endian)
str str8DBE(x)
Regards a numeric value as a double floating decimal and
converts it to an 8 byte string big endian. (8 byte Double Big
Endian )
str str8DLE(x)
Regards a numeric value as a double floating decimal and
converts it to 8 byte string little endian. (8 byte Double Little
Endian )
num val(a)
Regards a string as a decimal string and converts it to a numeric
Features II CARTESIAN Benchtop Robot