Command Parameters Content
outCOM Port, Character String Outputs a character string from the COM.
Port, Character String
Outputs the result of an expression from the COM.
setWTCOM Port, Wait Time
Sets Wait Time (Period for Time Out) for receiving
from the COM.
Variable Name, Port,
Wait Time
Assigns data received from the COM to the
specified variable.
cmpCOM Port, Character String
Compares received data with a character string.
The result is entered into System Flag (sysFlag(1)
to (20).)
Port, Character String
Compares received data with a character string
expression. The result is entered into System Flag
(sysFlag(1) to (20).)
clrCOM Port Clears a buffer received from the COM.
shiftCOM Port, Shift Number
Shifts data received from the COM.
Deletes data from the top to the Shift Number.
stopPC - Stops PC communication of COM1.
COM Input/Output
startPC - Starts PC communication of COM1.
declear Type, Identifier Declare a local variable.
Character String of a
Assigns data calculated in the left-hand expression
to a variable in the right-hand expression.
+, -, *, /, =, (, ), & can be used.
rem Character String One line comment
crem Character String Comment at the end of a command line
setProgNo Program Number
Changes the Program number.
* Do not execute this command while running.
If you want to run another program while running,
use the command “callProg.”
Variable, Comment,
System Control
setSeqNo Sequencer Number
Changes the Sequencer program number of
“system data.”
Z Sensor
Work Adjustment
Calculates the adjusting amount in the Z direction
with data gained from the Distance sensor/Touch
sensor using the [Workpiece Adjustment] setting.
Features II CARTESIAN Benchtop Robot