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AIS | Lowrance HDS Gen2 Touch
Vessel alarms
You can define several alarms to alert you if a target comes within
predefined range limits, or if a previously identified target is lost. Ves-
sel alarms can be set up from the Alarms utility.
Alarm ID Description
Dangerous vessel Controls whether an alarm shall be activated when a vessel
comes within the predefined CPA or TCPA.
¼ Note: The check box controls whether the alarm pop-up
box is displayed and if the siren will sound. The CPA and
TCPA defines when a vessel is dangerous regardless of the
enabled/disabled state.
AIS vessel lost Sets the range for lost vessels. If a vessel is lost within this range
this will trigger an alarm
Vessel message Controls whether an alarm shall be activated when a message is
received from an AIS target
The vessel settings panel
Vessel settings are accessed from the Utilities tab on the home