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Audio | Lowrance HDS Gen2 Touch
Saving a channel to the favorite list
When a channel is tuned in, you can add the station to
the favorite’s list.
All favorite channels can be viewed, selected and deleted
from the favorite’s list.
Auxiliary sources
AUX and AUX 2 (labeled AUX and SAT IN on the SonicHub) can be
used for SiriusXM radio and external audio devices that support
RCA connectivity. SiriusXM radio playback can be controlled when
a Lowrance weather module is connected to SAT IN. Other auxiliary
audio sources only have volume control.
Using SiriusXM radio
After installing a SiriusXM radio, SiriusXM must be attached to
the corresponding AUX source in the unit. To use the source for a
different device, SiriusXM must be detached from the AUX source.
SiriusXM is attached/detached from the AUX or AUX 2 source by
tapping Attach Sirius/Detach Sirius on the AUX or AUX 2 options
The selected AUX source will be replaced by SiriusXM in the source
list when SiriusXM is attached. When SiriusXM is detached from an
AUX source, SiriusXM will be replaced by the selected AUX in the
source list.
The channels list
The channels list displays all available SiriusXM channels, whether or
not you have a subscription for the channel.